Technical Specialities

Automatic Filter System

NEW in the Plettenburg assortment is an Automatic Filter Cleaning System suitable for the Heat Exchanger.

Keurhorst Secties 8x8 KEurhorst Druktank 8x8 filterbak 8x8


The Automatic Filter Cleaning System with pressure filters can be mounted on each Outdoor Heat Exchanger and Air Mixer. The filter efficiency is 99,7% related to dust particles of at least 0,3 micron. The airvelocity through the filter shall not exceed 0,5 m/sec. Therefore, the pressure filters contain a huge amount of filter cloth. The diameter and length are adjusted. The filtercloth is entirely composed out of plastic materials and treated with a special coating.

Because the air is transported in low velocity with minimal pressure loss through the filter cloth, the filters are sustainable. The development of the Plettenburg filter cloth is based on years of intensive research.